Good posture provides many physical and psychological benefits. It is an important component for back health and
height increase. Good posture helps maximise your height not just because of the obvious reason that you are
sitting and standing tall rather than slouching and slumping, but for other structural and physiological reasons as
The pelvis acts as a lever and directly influences our posture and stature. When the pelvis is carried too far forward,
the condition is termed a Milted Pelvis. This condition directly robs you of extra height and is generally the result
of a person with lack of stomach muscles and who usually has a large stomach.
Over time, gravity will take a toll on the body and cause spinal disc degeneration, muscle loss, and force the body to
slump or slouch. By maintaining proper postural alignment you can significantly reduce the negative effects of
aging as well as promote growth.
By consciously trying to stand straight and walk tall at all times, you can start to improve your posture and
strengthen the relevant muscles to relieve unnecessary stress and compression on your discs. As a result, your
height is maximised.
Tilted pelvis Curvature of the spine
Good standing posture
One very basic way to improve your posture is by leaning against a wall. Keep your head, shoulder blades,
buttocks and heels in contact with the wall. At the same time, use your muscles to pull back your neck, waist and
knees to minimise the space between your body and the wall. There should be only slight gaps.
1. Rest one foot on a low stool or box. Having one leg higher that the other straightens the small of the
back and relieves a swayback tendency.
2. If you are carrying a heavy load, shift the weight from one side to the other to reduce stress and strain on one
side of the body and also to inhibit any tendency of scoliosis.
3. Avoid wearing shoes with heel lifts. In the long run, these shoes reduce your height as heels tend to tilt your
pelvis forward and creates an exaggerated curvature of the lower back that reduces height. It also puts
pressure on your discs and strains your lower back.
1. Sit in a chair that provides firm and high back support.
2. Sit in a chair that allows your knees to be slightly higher than your hips, while your feet stays flat on the
floor. You may place a stool or box under your feet to achieve the correct position.
3. Avoid sitting in soft chairs or sofas. If you do not have a choice, support your lower back with a small
4. Even with proper sitting posture, it is important to get up, stretch, and move around approximately 25
minutes or so.
Lying Down
1. Sleep on a firm mattress.
2. The best position to sleep is flat on your back with a small pillow supporting your neck or one or two
pillows under your knees. This balanced position lengthens and relaxes the back muscles.
3. The second best position to sleep is on your side with hips and knees bent. A pillow should be placed
between the knees to prevent twisting of the back and promote better alignment of the spine.
4. Do not sleep flat on your back with your legs straight as it promotes back spasms and increases swayback
5. Do not sleep on your stomach. This arches the back and stresses the lower back. If you want to sleep on
your stomach, place a pillow under your waist and bend one knee toward the pillow to prevent your lower
back from arching. Do not use a pillow for your head.