How can i grow taller before my growth stops?

I am 14 years old and gonna be 15 in 4 months. I’m only 158cm tall which is really small, I’m one of the smallest girl in my class. Is there any tips that I can grow taller before my growth stops?? I really need help. i want to grow taller. ————————————————————————————————– ANSWER FROM S.G.H.E. Two things we can do […]

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Reflex Point Massage To Grow Taller

The pituitary gland in the endocrine system is the gland which is primarily responsible for secreting growth hormone. This gland is located at the forward base of your brain. It is widely held that you can spur growth by stimulating reflex points in the body that have a special nerve connection to the pituitary gland. Thumb Reflex Point The main reflex […]

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Good posture provides many physical and psychological benefits. It is an important component for back health and height increase. Good posture helps maximise your height not just because of the obvious reason that you are sitting and standing tall rather than slouching and slumping, but for other structural and physiological reasons as well. The pelvis acts as a lever and […]

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Is there any chance of increase in height of a girl after the age of 22?

  Is there any chance of increase in height of a girl after the age of 22? her height is 5.5 ——————————————————— yes there are chances but for that have a healthy diet n exercise. a normal human being grows upto the age of 25 n may be after that as well but our daily routine restricts that as we […]

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